Brick Breaker is a Breakout clone where you must smash a wall of bricks by deflecting a bouncing ball with a paddle.

Features & Information about the game:

  • A total of 4 levels! (more coming soon)
  • A total of 9 power-ups that can give you an advantage or a disadvantage


  • There is a 10% chance when breaking a block that a power-up will spawn
  • You can get the powerup by catching it with your paddle
  • When catching a power-up, you get 50 points
  • There are powerups that give you an advantage and powerups that give you a disadvantage, you don't know what power-up you'll get before catching it, you just have to be lucky!

The total list of power-ups are:

  • Power-Ups with an advantage:
    • Life: Grants you one extra life (already added in the last update)
    • Long: Increases the width of your paddle by 1/2 for 10 seconds
    • MultiBall: Spawns 3 extra balls (total of 4) bouncing up from the position of the original ball. You can have a maximum of 4 balls in total
    • SlowBall: Makes every ball go slower by 4 for 5 seconds
    • Catch: You'll be able to catch the ball with the paddle for 10 seconds. To shoot it again, press 'Space'. You can have a maximum of 1 ball on your paddle
    • Laser: You get 5 ammo to shoot lasers, it breaks every block it hits, including unbreakable blocks
  • Power-Ups with a disadvantage:
    • FastBall: Makes every ball go faster by 2 for 5 seconds
    • InversedControls: Inverses the controls of the paddle for 5 seconds 
    • Short: Decreases the width of your paddle by 1/2 for 10 seconds

Scoring System:

  • Each time you hit a block, you get 100 points
  • If you break a block with a laser, you get 50 points


  • Movement: A&D / Arrow Keys
  • Speed Up: E (twice for 5x)
  • Shoot ball: Space (if caught)
  • Shoot laser: Q

The base of this game was made with the help of a tutorial from Zigurous

Development log

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