0.1 Update - Power-ups!

The 0.1 update is here!
It adds a few power-ups and fixes some bugs


  • Power-ups:
    • There is a 10% chance when breaking a block that a power-up will spawn
    • You can get the powerup by catching it with your paddle
    • There are powerups that give you an advantage and powerups that give you a disadvantage, you don't know what power-up you'll get before catching it, you just have to be lucky!
    • The total list of power-ups are (as of this update):
      • Power-Ups with an advantage:
        • Life: Grants you one extra life (already added in the last update)
        • Long: Increases the width of your paddle by 1/2 for 10 seconds ( already added in the last update)
        • MultiBall: Spawns 3 extra balls (total of 4) bouncing up from the position of the original ball. You can have a maximum of 4 balls in total
        • SlowBall: Makes every ball go slower by 4 for 5 seconds
        • Catch: You'll be able to catch the ball with the paddle for 10 seconds. To shoot it again, press 'Space'. You can have a maximum of 1 ball on your paddle.
      • Power-Ups with a disadvantage:
        • FastBall: Makes every ball go faster by 2 for 5 seconds
        • InversedControls: Inverses the controls of the paddle for 5 seconds 
        • Short: Decreases the width of your paddle by 1/2 for 10 seconds


  • Changed the control for making the time go faster to the key 'E'

Bugs Fixed:

  • If you get 2x long in a row, the paddle will go to its standard form to soon
  • When power-ups hit the bottom, they stay there till you lose a life or advance to the next level

Known Bugs:

  • The timers for the power-ups will appear for a split second when loading a level

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