0.3.0 new modes!

The new modes are now available!

I made 3 new modes!
the details of the modes are here:

with AI:
--> there is a player AI, it has the color red
--> it will pick a random invader and the AI will follow it
--> it will shoot at a random time
--> the rest is the same as normal mode

vs AI:
--> you'll play as the invaders
--> if you shoot you will shoot from a random invader
--> you win if you shoot the AI or reach the bunkers
--> the AI plays the same as in the "with AI" mode

--> player 1 plays as the normal player & player 2 plays as the invaders
--> player 1 plays the same as in normal mode
--> player 2 plays the same as in the vs AI mode

main menu updates:
--> 1 player button will bring you to the 1 player menu
        1. normal mode
        2. with AI mode
        3. vs AI mode
--> 2 players button will bring you to the 2 players menu
        1. Coop mode
        2. 1v1 mode

little things:
--> changed in the coop & with AI mode the second player color to red

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